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How KreekAfrica Works

A platform to easily get your project done and find work


Find and hire Professionals for your projects


Find projects, get them done and get paid instantly

The Searching Stage

KreekAfrica has a wide pool of qualified Professionals that you can connect with at your convenience.



Tell us about your project, the skills you will require and your budget



Our platform features an algorithm that analyzes your needs, highlighting the top Professionals that match them.



A list of suitable candidates will be presented to you. Alternatively, you can search the platform for Professionals who offer the services you need

Post a project

The Hiring Stage

Once you have found your potential candidates, the next step will be to review and hire the best one.


Go through profiles

At your convenience, browse through the profiles that have been selected for you. Assess their client reviews and portfolios to get an idea of their success rates.


Collect and Review proposals

Evaluate what your candidates are offering, paying attention to cost, timeline and qualifications.


Schedule a meeting

Make time to have conversations with your suitable candidates, asking targeted questions, to help you choose the best out of the lot.

Search Professionals

The Work and Payment Stage

After choosing your candidates, its time to complete the project. You can share files with them and receive feedback via the platform, and everything is secure. The platform also allows you to track progress and keep in touch with your Professional.

Once the project is completed to your satisfaction, you can make payment. Based on the agreement with your Professional, you can make payment per hour or at the end of the project.

1. Complete Your Profile

You can find the ideal project to work on using kreekafrica.com. To be able to be matched with a project, you would need to provide some information on your skills, and area of expertise. This will also make it easy for those hiring to find you.

2. Browse Projects

The are several jobs available for your skillset and qualification. All you need to do is search the platform for projects. Use search filters to streamline and customize your search. You can also save your search and get notified anytime something becomes available in your area of expertise

3. Send Proposals

You can find the ideal project to work on using kreekafrica.com. To be able to be matched with a project, you would need to provide some information on your skills, and area of expertise. This will also make it easy for those hiring to find you.

4. Work Efficiently And Get Paid

Be prepared to deliver quality work once you're hired. Earn the discussed fee and get paid according to the agreed payment structure.